Wednesday, 28 May 2008


This is a new form of graphic communication, (or most probably it isn't), but these two examples of this sort of mutant Venn diagram show some of the differences between the roles in my life before I retired two years ago , and after.



So it seems that there could be an analogy between the impact of retirement on my life and that of the internet and its associated technological innovations on the print media. Whereas as one element used to predominate now various differing ones compete and overlap in confusing way and believe me, I wish I knew how to monetise it!


This is one element in my whole post retirement way of life that I have not yet mentioned, and the fact that I haven't yet mentioned it might be due to my socialisation, (big boys don't cry etc), and because for me it is a constant background to my waking hours. It is concentrated in my legs and feet and gets worse every day the more standing and walking that I do. It is bearable, I can walk, cycle and even climb stairs, although I am beginning to fear that more and more.

It exhausts me, especially after a six hour shift in the Birkbeck bar, when I can get it, I need a lot of sleep to rest and recover. It slows everything up. it took me hours to get up, do housework and get to College this morning. This is a link to a recording I made whilst throwing the empty bottles from the night before in Birkbeck Bar into recycling bins, which is my first task of the day when I work there as a barman. I doubt if you'd know what it was if I hadn't described it, but it does give a slight idea of what constant background pain is like.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

I am wrestling with sound all the various instructions make including audio seem easy, it ain't.

Yesterday it rained heavily and incessantly I went to supermarket then drank gin and wrote minutes for hours. At the moment they're on the Green Left Blog (follow link if you're a nerd for for the boring minutiae of obscure political organisations).

As I get older my bladder gets weaker so I got up to piddle in the middle of the night and a blackbird sang, either the first of the dawn chorus or an all-nighter kept awake by urban light pollution.

Hear the blackbird here

powered by ODEO

Monday, 26 May 2008

Poetry rehearsal for the event listed below, to suffer for my art click on the link:
powered by ODEO

Sunday, 25 May 2008

This AUGUST DOCUMENT was mired in the strange procedures of LOSS. It resided behind bookcases and migrated seasonally in and out of files and plastic wallets. Its owner believed it lost but in a dream a crested murrulet flew from the drear guano streaked cliffs of an ancient clime and vouchsafed that it would be found again. IT has been GORN GORN GORN now it is BACK all other versions are as false as cardboard canapés containing rubber seafood, they will make your teeth bounce back and lead you into a morass of misapprehenspoons

The above is something I wrote this morning prior to going to a script m eeting/ rehearsal with my collaborators in a shortly forthcoming and badly prepared poetry show. (above)

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Agit Prop posted up on Green Left and GPTU sites today

Friday, 23 May 2008

Busyish day in bbkbar then to class on possible 'democratisation' via new internet associated media. Some things ring a bell eg when I was at a recent demo in Parliament Square (see entry for 21/03/08 'Anti War march London 15/3/2008' ), the police tried to move back a couple of protestors behind a barrier, Brian Haw, who has been camping out in the Square as a protest against the Iraq war jumped out with a video camera to film them. I wonder if he would call this "Political disintermediation"?


Write up minutes for Brent Green Party Meeting which took place last night, the most sensitive bit is the finances ie

Brent and Harrow GP current acc’t £6.59
Brent and Harrow GP elections acc’t £0.92
Brent GP Co-op current acc’t £6.00
Expected Cheque £6.50
Total £21.04

Who can the sinister magnate who is trying to buy political influence with an 'expected cheque' in Brent be? Whoever he/she is he/she has the value of Brent Green party about right.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

The timelag is worsening but I might have paid off the sleep deficit by staying in bed until noon and eventually after making some token gestures towards the housework deficit.

I go on safari down my backgarden into the lost jungle of Dollis Hill. There are strange sculptures of a lost civilisation slowly being swamped by burgeoning undergrowth

and eventually I hack my way through to my goal: THE COMPOST HEAPS OF HISTORY.

I turn them over with my trusty garden fork for I am a revolutionary. I fear they are dead but a robin flys down to feast on the bugs that I have exposed whilst preparing for his winter job of posing for christmas cards.

This kind of thing inspires this kind of thing

I am the compost
I rot in a heap
I rot when you wake
I rot when you sleep

I have no body
Nor brain instead
I am the living
That lives on the dead

Potato peelings
Garden cuttings and teabags
Or a philosopher’s head
Wrapped up in a sack

It all came from compost
I bring it back

All organic transformed
That’s what I do
I am the compost
Soon you’ll be too

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

I managed to do some webpage work for Dodo Modern Poets early this morning at Birkbeck,namely putting up a web page in their index of poets for their founder Patric.

Sadly the rest of the day was wasted in that although the bar wasn't very busy, I wasn't able to use my new laptop because I'd crashed it when I closed it down yesterday and I took a long process of trial and error to work out how to reboot it.
I SEEM TO BE DEVELOPING a TIME LAG And I'm certainly running up a sleep deficit, Sunday (18th May) was spent mainly in the Birkbeck computer rooms finishing off coursework, so no day of rest there. Then Monday was also productive, but I don't mean any Calvinist implication that that is a good thing. On the way to work a Green Party comrade rings me in a rage with another Green Party comrade who has called a meeting to clash with the all important Green Left AGM next saturday. So when I get to Birkbeck I have to compose and send various electronic Fatwas about this, and print out papers and flyers for a London Federation of Green Parties meeting that evening. To do this I have to treck round Birkbeck college searching for a computer room that is not being used for an exam and has any paper in the printer. Then more people come into the Birbeck bar wanting drinks after their exam (see below;)

so I don't get much work done on the laptop. Then I go to London Fed which is surprisingly good tempered, now that the electoral obsessives have had their fix (ie after the Greater London Authority and Mayoral elections on May 1st), we can do some real poiltics and a motion that I wrote re S.African dockers goes through unan nem con. "Gleft/London Federation of Green parties congratulates the Durban dockers of the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu), and the police trade union (POPCRU) members who supported them for turning away the Chinese arms shipment to Zimbabwe where it might be used to attack trades unionists and others engaged in the struggle for democratic rights in Zimbabwe. We note that such action would be illegal if taken by British Trades unionists and call for a restoration of the rights of British trades unionists to take solidarity action with other groups nationally and internationally." Prop P.Murry sec John Carver (PP: GPTU) Good drink in the pub afterwards too

Sunday, 18 May 2008

YESTERDAY was well shitty.

The backward incompabitility of new versions of Microsoft messed up my morning plans for getting my college coursework out of the way and I've posted a draft of it to the blog so that I can aceess it from different machines by cutting and pasting it from there.

Then I went to a Campaign Against Climate Change TU group planning meeting and as I had got up early in the misguided hope of doing some coursework, I slept through half of it because I was still knackered from the unexpected rush of bar work the day before.

I might as well have stayed in bed, (that could be another title for this blog), especially since some bright spark decided to call an editorial board meeting for "Post 16 Educator", a magazine, in the forecourt of Euston station, which looked like this.

Clearly both the architect of this place and the person who decided to meet here must have assumed that Britain has something like a mediterranean climate, wishful thinking,I fear,after all this is almost mid summer.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

The Sun and Guardian online compared by a Guardian reader.

Originally this posting contained my Bbk assignment "The Sun and Guardian online compared by a Guardian reader", but as the tutors have already had to read that gem once, I'm going to use it to post something about my artworks instead.

I do 2 & 3 dimensional works

ie Sculpture (this is "Kilburn Breakfast"

painting (no idea what this is called)

Drawings (this one has just been entitled "The Poised Digester of Legumery")

And Prints

that is (surprise, surprise) called "Big Squid" and is currently on exhibition in Willesden


Its newest WP program seems incompatible with earlier versions so Now I got to waste time crawling round/over /under that one.

Friday, 16 May 2008

This is the Birkbeck bar where I work as a barman, usually it's very quiet in the day, but just this week as exams finish crowds come in to celebrate or drown their sorrows. I grabbed a moment to shoot this with my mobile phone as things quietened down a bit.
CAMDEN TRADES COUNCIL: part2, The frustations of attempting to be a webpage/ blog designer.
Oh, the frustations of attempting to be a webpage/ blog designer. I'm about to give up before I've even started. I'm having a row with one client over content, which should teach me no to belong to, or even care, even a little bit about the organisations I might work for. Now CTC having been presented with a proposal, a month ago, which in effect asked them to decide what content they might want on a website and some design basics, eg do you want a logo? (see last entry). Have decided that they can't decide whether to have a blog until they have decided what content they might want on a website and some design basics. Naturally they formed a sub committee to decide this and as my friend who introduced me to them said, we might get a website by about 2020 at this rate and some how I suspect the process could involve me in more unpaid work.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

CAMDEN TRADES COUNCIL: Website and/or Blog Peter Murry 14/04/2008

Another role which occupies some of my time is the attempt to get some webpage/blog design/ maintenace work, below is a pitch to a potential client, who I will see tomorrow.

Dave Welsh asked me to prepare a brief outline of what services I might be able to offer CTC in regard to a web presence. I will not be able to be present at the CTC meeting on 17th April, but I hope Dave will be able to table this paper for me.

There two options, a website (cost approx £250 p.a. including updating content) or a blog (cost approx £100 p.a. including updating content).

I have drawn up possible website design (see below)

This is a design for a home page that could link to four other pages (Aims, Join Us, Committee, News, Meetings). CTC could decide it wanted more or fewer pages and
That they should have different content and/or names. Equally the colour scheme, logos, and layout are only rough suggestions. A website has the advantage that a visitor to the home page could rapidly find out some salient points of info re CTC without going through the whole site, but if they want more detailed info (e.g. how to contact the treasurer, what did the last meeting decide etc) they can be directed to pages holding that info. It is possible to add, subtract and rename pages and add subsections of pages within this structure (e.g.; a meetings page could link to archives containing minutes of previous meetings). The links to external organisations are also entirely at CTC’s discretion; the list given is purely illustrative.

Blogs (short for weblogs) are much easier to maintain and so cheaper than websites, the use a ready made design template usually with chronologically organised content centre page and more permanent notices at the side, here are a couple of examples:

1) FPS Blog

2) LSFC Blog

Blogs can contain as much content as a website but it are less accessibly organised and the user has to know that s/he needs to scroll back through previous content to find everything that is on the site

Another option is to link a blog to website page so that the blog can be used as a kind of noticeboard/newspaper for members of the organisation (see:

Peter Murry has been an active Trades Unionist and Green Party activist for over twenty years. After retiring from lecturing he is devoting more time to political and Journalistic work. He is Secretary of the Green Party Trades Union Group and Co-convenor of Green Left. He has regularly contributed pieces on Green politics, education and trades unionism to ‘Post-16 Educator’ magazine (

He has designed and runs websites for:
The Green Party Trades Union Group,
The Campaign Against Tube Privatisation.
Green Left
Dodo Modern Poets

He runs the Free Painters and Sculptors blog
And updates the London Socialist Film Co-op site

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

THIS IS THE LOGO of EatLatinanDie Books

I'm posting it here because it could be the last surviving version of this artwork by my friend and colleague Emile Sercombe (aka Steve Lobb). It mysteriously appeared when I set up the My Profile section of this blog, it originally came from another of my blogs, where it no longer appears( ). Perhaps this is a seasonal migration in some way associated with unseen magnetic forces, but my actual profile is uglier.


People are not unlike well stocked bakery shops in that they have a variety of roles and recently mine have expanded in number even though one has ceased for good. I am no longer a Lecturer and cannot work as one again without paying back the pension and lump sum that I have been granted, because I was granted ill health retirement, because I got arthritis.

In twenty plus years of teaching I never kicked or kneed one student, not even one, not even once, not even a little bit when I stood in the middle to break up a fight and they both kicked me.

What I done today
The washing and sorting and putting out domestic rubbish for recycling (Housekeeper).
Go to College (Commuter)
Prepare papers for political meeting deal with emails (Political "activist")
Start this blog, start content analysis for College assignment (Mature student)
Minute and participate in political meeting (Political "activist")
Go home (Commuter)
Write this (Mature student)
Consume TV (Consumer)