Friday, 16 May 2008

CAMDEN TRADES COUNCIL: part2, The frustations of attempting to be a webpage/ blog designer.
Oh, the frustations of attempting to be a webpage/ blog designer. I'm about to give up before I've even started. I'm having a row with one client over content, which should teach me no to belong to, or even care, even a little bit about the organisations I might work for. Now CTC having been presented with a proposal, a month ago, which in effect asked them to decide what content they might want on a website and some design basics, eg do you want a logo? (see last entry). Have decided that they can't decide whether to have a blog until they have decided what content they might want on a website and some design basics. Naturally they formed a sub committee to decide this and as my friend who introduced me to them said, we might get a website by about 2020 at this rate and some how I suspect the process could involve me in more unpaid work.

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