I go on safari down my backgarden into the lost jungle of Dollis Hill. There are strange sculptures of a lost civilisation slowly being swamped by burgeoning undergrowth
and eventually I hack my way through to my goal: THE COMPOST HEAPS OF HISTORY.
I turn them over with my trusty garden fork for I am a revolutionary. I fear they are dead but a robin flys down to feast on the bugs that I have exposed whilst preparing for his winter job of posing for christmas cards.
This kind of thing inspires this kind of thing
I am the compost
I rot in a heap
I rot when you wake
I rot when you sleep
I have no body
Nor brain instead
I am the living
That lives on the dead
Potato peelings
Garden cuttings and teabags
Or a philosopher’s head
Wrapped up in a sack
It all came from compost
I bring it back
All organic transformed
That’s what I do
I am the compost
Soon you’ll be too
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